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Tony Casanova, M.D.

My name is Tony Casanova and I'm a first-year medical resident in internal medicine at the University of Kansas School of Medicine-Kansas City. Next year I will begin a three year residency in anesthesiology at KU-Wichita. Tammy, my wife, will be starting her pgy-1 year in internal medicine and then go on to do radiology, also at KU-Wichita. Why anesthesiology? There are several reasons why I chose anesthesiology. Click here to see my anesthesiology page.

Tony Casanova, M.D.

You probably have made it to this website for a few reasons: 1) you're related to me and you want to see what I've been up to; 2)you're interested in anesthesiology and my site came up on a search engine (hopefully!) or 3) you're interested in personal finance and ditto on the search engine. Regardless of your reason for getting here, I'm glad you're here. Take a look around and I hope you find what you're looking for. If not, drop me a line and I'll work on getting it here for you. The information represented here is all fruit of my own labor. All knowledge acquired has been via the school of hard knocks. If you are a medical student and are thinking about a career in anesthesiology, by all means drop me a line and I'll try and persuade you into the best career in medicine. If you are already a resident and are interested in getting your finances in order, check out that page for tons of excellent information. But above all, love, live and learn!

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Page last updated: February 16, 2002
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